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Avabook is an upcoming website that aims to revolutionize the reading experience for children. Me and Ryadh Krafallah, had the privilege of working on this project, with me leading the Front-End development efforts.

I was responsible for bringing the user interface to life and creating an engaging and interactive platform.

Avabook offers a unique and personalized journey for young readers, allowing them to become the heroes of their own digital books.

Through the use of customizable avatars, children can immerse themselves in captivating adventures tailored to their preferences. In addition, the website provides downloadable PDF games and drawings, fostering creativity and enjoyment.

Working closely with our client, we collaborated on the design and development of the user interface and workflow. I utilized my expertise in Vue.js, Vuetify, Yup.js, and Stripe.js to create a responsive and dynamic front-end experience.

Meanwhile, my associate Ryadh took care of all the back-end development with Node.js and LoopBack, ensuring a seamless integration between the user interface and the underlying functionalities.

With our combined efforts, we crafted an interactive carousel engine that enhances the reading experience with audio elements. This feature brings the stories to life, captivating young minds and sparking their imagination.

We are excited to announce that Avabook is scheduled to be launched and made available to the public by the end of 2023. It has been a rewarding journey, and we cannot wait to share this innovative platform with children and families around the world.

Stay tuned for updates and get ready to embark on unforgettable literary adventures with Avabook!

Type :


Year :


Client :

Pixel Bloom

Status :

Work In progress

Tools / Technologies :
Git Versionning
Link :